5 books every entrepreneur should read



5 books every entrepreneur should read


Just how meeting new people transforms what we are, similarly reading  changes our thinking processes and our perspectives towards the same things in life.

Time and money are most valuable to you as an entrepreneur. So, to put up reading on to your checklist, maybe a challenging feat, but trust me, however challenging it might be, try to indulge in this habit of reading.

Obviously, if you are fitting in reading in your busy schedule, you have limited time for it. That is why, you will apparently want to ensure that you choose those books that are worth the time you spend on reading. Choosing the right book will bring in balance in your personal and professional life, and will inspire to learn and grow for the better. So, here we bring to you 5 MUST read books as a businessperson –

  1. The Obstacles is the way by Ryan Holiday

This book is for those who wish to turn their trails into triumphs. Every effort of yours will not be a success, but it is important to learn that every trial that you take, paves the path to success, maybe not immediately but at least in the long run. And this is that book that will inspire you and show you how to achieve this! “The Obstacle Is The Way” begins with the simple premise and philosophy laid out by Roman Legion and Leader Marcus Aurelius that by embracing our challenges, we actually find the ways to overcome them.

image courtesy: Amazon.in
image courtesy: Amazon.in


  1. Zero to One by Peter Thiel

The following citation sums up the concept of this book – Doing what someone else already knows how to do takes the world from 1 to n, adding more of something familiar. But when you do something new, you go from 0 to 1.

This book clearly shows you how to choose what is important and what isn”t while considering them as supporters to move ahead in your startup. The author also chooses this book as a platform to offer his philosophy on business, which helps the readers to generate new ideas that he/ she may not have considered previously.

image courtesy: Amazon.in
image courtesy: Amazon.in
  1. The Startup Playbook by David Kidder

This book is for those who are looking for inspirations from other entrepreneurs.  This book has all those secrets of the fastest-growing startups from their founding entrepreneurs. Sharing insights from 41 different founders, this book has it all -from leadership lessons to finding one”s niche.

image courtesy: books.google.co.in
image courtesy: books.google.co.in
  1. Choose Yourself by James Altucher

The result of reading this book is high self-motivation. This quote from the book is a glimpse of what the book is all about – The only skills you need to be an entrepreneur are the ability to fail, to have ideas, to sell those ideas, to execute on them, and to be persistent so even as you fail you learn and move onto the next adventure.

image courtesy : Good Reads
image courtesy : Good Reads
  1. Image courtesy: books.google.co.in
    Image courtesy: books.google.co.in

    Every book has its own takeaways. The above mentioned are just 5 out of the whole lot of amazing books out there in a book store. Choose the one that suits your style. It”s a perfect return on investment – you buy the book read it and get loads of inspirations and a Go- Get it attitude.

    Another book worth reading is ‘STFU – Start the F*** Up’ by a Hyderabad based serial entrepreneur Rajive Dhavan. A lot of business related books are serious and this one beats all stereotypes. This is a book that youngsters can relate to and shares insights and stories while bursting a few myths and helps you with a fresh perspective.  In the authors words, “The book is an effort to bring you closer to that one person who will always come to your rescue – You. Yes. Nothing helps you like… you!”

    image courtesy: http://www.startthefup.com
    image courtesy: http://www.startthefup.com