Making Technology More Wearable
Despite being at a nascent stage, the wearable electronic devices market still holds a lot of promise both in terms of development and consumer adoption. Prodigious companies like Intel are tailoring chips for desktops, laptops and other smartphones. But Hyderabad based Start-Up Ineda Systems doesn”t believe such advents are sustainable. Ineda is bankrolled by prominent […]
Desserts are the new rage for startups in Hyderabad
STRESSED spelled backwards is DESSERTS!! ‘Startups’ are doing exceptionally well with desserts as their domain. Their efforts and hardwork are undoubtedly taking “Creativity” to the next level. From custom Cupcakes, ThemeCakes, ice-creams to Donuts for every occasion, we now look for reasons to celebrate!! Here are a few of the startups who have made their mark in […]