Roach Interactive, an Independent Game Development Studio,

I remember studying about cockroaches, or Roaches as they are popularly referred to, way back in high school. Did I like them? No, I did not. Did they creep me out? Yes, they did. Haven”t really given them another thought until I met and spoke to Rahul Sehgal, the founder of Roach Interactive. Roach Interactive […]

Online Courses To The Rescue!


You know nothing, Jon Snow. Apparently, Ygritte knew what she was talking about. We”ve all gone to school and university and are well educated. But does our learning stop at that? Once we stop school, do we stop learning? Unfortunately for many of us, the answer would be Yes, even if we refuse to acknowledge […]

Brisk steps to your cabaret!

Are you to tired of searching your perfect nightlife event on google? We bring you your one stop solution. Brisky is a your personal concierge that helps you discover, share as well as book local nightlife events of your interests. Usually, nightlife events  at pubs and nightclubs are events or experiences that are happening in […]

Travel Startup Knockdown – Fueling innovation in travel technology

  Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer Whatever maybe the reason, travelling is no more a luxury, it is become a part and parcel of life and with this also comes in the role of travel booking sites and platforms that allow passengers to book their seats through the ease of […]