Hyderabad based Start-Up Vihik cabs receives 40K USD from Facebook Through FB Start Program
Recently the famous social media site Facebook had announced the FbStart program where it would invest in the winner start up and would also provide mentoring to the winner. It is no surprise that a city based start-up, Vihik cabs chatbot have been selected as one of those start-ups where Facebook will invest $40, 000 […]
Avishkar- India”s first Deep Tech accelerator are open now
Here is another opportunity provided to entrepreneurs by the Hyderabad entrepreneurial ecosystem. Though the first in Deep tech learning, it is the fifth cohort of Avishkar which provides a platform to IIITH”s Research support, personalised Strategic Business Coaching and support from CIE”s Service Partners and Ecosystem Enablers. The most exciting and promising part of this program is […]