FLEX PROTEIN – Hyderabad”s Ultra Clean Nutrition Brand

So, what does a person do when he finds a dearth of Premium Sports & Fitness Nutrition Products devoid of adulteration and at an affordable price? He not just sources the purest ingredients from all over the world but also decides to set up a brand on his home ground, Hyderabad, India. This is exactly […]

Zenoti is an easy to use web-based software for spas, salons, medical spas

Technology created a dramatic change in the service sector from health care, Hotel services, agriculture services and even now technology impact is over spa and salon services.The market is driven by the hectic lifestyle in urban areas, there has been increasing demand for spa medical treatments and services. So, technology influence will help the service […]

BiG Talks India Conference

According to Stephen Covey 7th habit of highly effective people is to sharpen the saw- Preserving and enhancing the greatest asset you have!! You always have an opportunity to learn new things by attending good events, which increase your networking and strengthen your personality than existing, helping to be effective in your work life. To […]