Fashion, Jobs, and Butterfly Pea Tea Wow Sharks With Sales!

Sharks back Gavin Paris’ co-founders, but not the company Fashion is a dynamic industry, and trends keep changing with every season. Previously, quality and fitting were primary factors, but today, it’s not the same. With oversized and distressed clothing in trend, Gavin Paris brings clothing where fit doesn’t matter. Kishor Jairamka & Ashutosh Roy launched […]
From An Innovative Way To Recycle To Maintain Your Hair

Scrap Uncle, Sharmaji ka atta, and Manetain secure deals from the Sharks and are on a journey to transform how India recycles, eats, and maintains their hair! ScrapUncle Secures A Deal To Revolutinize Recycling The scrap market in India is massive. And recycling it can be a task in this unorganized sector. Bringing a one-stop […]