GITAM SmartIDEAthon 2023 to hold finals on 24 – 25 Aug!

The Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management (GITAM) is gearing up to host its student pitchfest SmartIDEAthon’23 semi-finals and finals on 24th – 25th August 2023. The themes for this year”s pitchfest include Food & Health, Toys for STEM, Sustainable Fashion, and Frugal Innovation. Additionally, collaborating with StartupIndia, Invest India, Northeastern University Center for Emerging […]
All 6 angels on Nenu Superwoman invest in ‘Zithara’

Consumers are the backbone of businesses, and maintaining customer relationships is an excellent way to ensure maximum engagement, increase sales, and enhance overall business performance. Zithara’s CRM solution streamlines and enhances customer engagement across various communication channels. With a strong dedication to helping businesses build lasting relationships with their customers – Zithara focuses on delivering […]