3 daily routine to inculcate to make a strong social media presence



3 daily routine to inculcate to make a strong social media presence


captureJust entering the world of social media for all your marketing efforts is not enough. You have to ensure that it is reaching to the right audience at the right time. To make it a hit, you must also make sure that you are pro – active and responding to any and all customer interactions.

As a part of social media, you are just not expected to update dozens of different profiles every day, but you must also connect with potential new followers and monitor your company”s branded keywords in order to manage any negative mentions you encounter.

If you are wondering how and what will keep your social media marketing campaigns active, then you must make the best use of your time and inculcate few daily routines in your every day schedule. Like how as soon as you get up you brush your teeth and eventually it has become your habit, similarly, make these 3 tasks your daily habit –

#1: Keep the response time to a maximum of 24 hours

Customers love it when they get immediate attention. Social media is one such platform that allows direct customer interaction, and as an entrepreneur take full advantage of it. Whenever a customer reacts to any of your post on social media, make sure you take time out and respond to it appropriately within a maximum of 24 hours. These interactions come in a number of different formats, including:

  • Facebook messages
  • Posts to your Facebook wall
  • Facebook status or picture tags
  • Twitter direct messages
  • Twitter “@” replies

#2: Engage customers in your post through posts that encourage interaction

Instead of just sharing the latest update of your startup, a better way to do it is, add lines in the start or end that invite viewers to comment or share their opinions. One such line could be – Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below. This way customers will feel valued and will open up to share their opinions and thoughts. The game doesn”t end there! Once the customer responds, it is your duty to reply back – first acknowledge their response by thanking them to take time out to let you know their thoughts and then interact with them. This is a two way interaction and if it”s of general interest, it might grab attention of others as well.

#3: Come up with taglines, hashtags or any other catchy words to be used always

Taglines, hashtags, names, logos – anything that the company could associate with – use these continuously in all your posts and images so that customers can relate it to your startup when they see it elsewhere. For instance, what pops up to you mind as soon as you see a small letter m – Most of them could relate it to McDonald”s m logo right? Similarly, start branding your company also with something that you would like customers to recognize. Use it yourself and encourage customers to use it as much as they can, whenever they wish to mention your startup.

Initially, it might be difficult for you to take time out to work on the above 3 things. But when you try hard to make sure that these 3 tasks are checked, slowly it will turn into your habit and then you will automatically do it, without taking any extra effort to ensure social media connectivity with your customers.

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