India”s first- Intercity Ride Sharing Service!



India”s first- Intercity Ride Sharing Service!



Great companies are built on solving really big problems.

In highly populated countries like India, transportation is a great challenge. And the magnitude to which it can rise to can cause growing pains to the already existing congestion. Shirish, the founder of “gotogether” faced a similar problem, when traveling to his hometown.

To catch a bus to other towns on weekends and on certain occasions is a task. For reasons such as: inconvenient locations of bus stands, long queues to get your ticket and of course, the frustration of never being certain as to when the bus will actually arrive.

Irked by this situation, Shirish started figuring out ways and means that could reduce the severity of the discomfort and problem.

On carrying out some research, he found out that the supply of the services is not meeting the existing demand as the bus services don”t find enough passengers to board the bus the same day to return back.
The same was validated when he spoke to Phanindra Sama, CEO of RedBus, who expressed the same opinion.

Next, sharing rides seemed to be a good answer. And to provide the people with a platform, which was the need of the hour, he made no delay in teaming up with exceptional programmers (he met at a Hackathon event) to get started.  Soon they released an alpha version to test out the waters.
Seeing the response and the opportunity that faced them, the team quit their high paying jobs and worked full time to get this idea into existence.

That”s how “gotogether”­ India”s first intercity ride sharing service was born!

Now, traveling:

– made easier
– affordable ­ Rs.1.5/km. Pick two people and save 80% of your fuel costs
– safe: verified and best-rated users
– social ­ meet a new friend on every ride

On August 15, gotogether launched its first pilot program from Hyderabad to Warangal and attracted 500 users to download the app just by the simplest yet the most important technique, word of mouth.

With 40 Shared rides and 70 vehicles registered in about 15 days, this season of festivals turned out to be a great start!

Shirish- Founder, responsible for iOS app and marketing
Uday- Cofounder, responsible for server dev.
Hari-­ Responsible for android app.

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, gotogether!

For more, Check:

iOS app:
Android app:
Promo video:

Picture of Ruchika Agarwal

Ruchika Agarwal

With zeal to never settle for mediocrity, Ruchika always strives to put her best foot forward without any hesitation, especially in the field of marketing and communications. She is an absolute delight, well presented and well spoken. Apart from her flair for writing, her keen interests lie in areas of brand development, advertising and event management. Ruchika's desire to get involved in strategy development has never hampered with her creative spur, which reflects in her passion for photography, music, sketching, dance, travelling and eating!

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