Key TakeAways from the NASSCOM Gaming Forum – Hyderabad Meetup



Key TakeAways from the NASSCOM Gaming Forum – Hyderabad Meetup


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The much awaited NASSCOM Gaming Forum (NGF) – Hyderabad Meetup took place on Saturday at the PurpleTalk India Office. The office was flooded with professionals and enthusiast from the gaming industry as well dignitaries from AVCGI.

nasscom gaming forum

The event started with Nilesh Jahagirdar“s presentation on the Mobile Launch Basics. He provided a detailed look at the key areas every game developer needs to focus on while launching a game. The audience was treated to valuable insights on the basics of mobile launch through soft launch goals, revenue projection, analytics and ad partners.


The presentation was followed by a Q&A session and then by open house where game developers could come forward and showcase their game. Toonheart Studios showcased their brand new we-based game to the audience and invited enthusiasts to for private beta testing of their upcoming game. You can sign up for the invite here.


After a detailed discussion on the current scenario of gaming and the efforts of NASSCOM to encourage the sector, the floor was opened for networking. Gaming enthusiasts took this opportunity to learn and share their experiences with industry professionals.

Overall it was an informative event and looking forward to the next NASSCOM Gaming Forum Meetup.

For pictures of the event visit our Facebook Page.

Picture of Ravi Korukonda

Ravi Korukonda

Technology Entrepreneur and one of the contributors of Hyderabad Start-Up ecosystem. Built world-class technology product companies from Hyderabad and also, created a consulting company which is helping fortune 1000 companies on Digital Transformation. Ravi's consulting company [x]cube LABS, own more than 30 international Design awards and his Gaming Consulting Division [x]cube GAMES did IP games for Hollywood and Best Sports properties Globally

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