Tag: MVP

Minimum? Viable? Product?

We all know what is a product. But what is viable. And what is minimum-viable? The primary purpose of a product in a startup is to help the target userbase. Bring to bear the value proposition of the product. The utility and usefulness promised. Now, how does one go about

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India’s First : The Openness Days by Microsoft

  The world is an open source. And it’s time to unbound the open cloud. With technology growing at such a rapid phase, you have a wide scope of learning. The Internet of Things, System of Engagement, Predictive Analysis, Python, Selenium and Spring and what not! You have a one

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Can you co-create a startup?

Any venture capitalist will tell you the importance of having a co-founder. But is it possible to create a startup with a group of completely unknown individuals? Hyderabad-based Egghead Creative is spearheading efforts to bring skilled volunteers together to collaborate and build an idea under the guidance of industry experts. As

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