BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE-Become pioneers in smart governance
What exactly is blockchain technology? The blockchain is hands down an undebatable ingenious formulation to jointly manage the bitcoin transactions. This technology allows digital information to be disrupted but not copied. The blockchain technology has created the backbone for a new type of internet and is an incorruptible digital ledger of economic transactions that can be programmed […]
VC Speaker Series with Radhesh Kanumury
TSIC is constantly trying to take up initiatives that would bring together the ecosystem and help the startups in their growth. One such initiative is the Speaker Series, where they invite eminent VCs visiting Hyderabad to share their knowledge with the startups and other ecosystem players. The Speaker Series provides a platform for visiting VCs […]
Hyderabad to host 2nd SEA – AICOSCA Cottonseed Oil & Meal Conclave 2019
The Solvent Extractors Association of India (SEA) & All India Cottonseed Crushers Association (AICOSCA) with the support of Telangana Oil Industry and Trade Association will organize the 2nd edition of National Conference on Cottonseed Oil & Meal Conclave 2019 at Hotel Marigold in Hyderabad on 24th March 2019. The main objective of “2nd SEA – AICOSCA” is to spread awareness about cottonseed oil among […]