The name doesn”t give it”s game away but it makes you want to get online right away and find out what it is. With a bright and cheerful website, it doesn”t take much time to understand what they are all about!
95% of SMBs in India do not have the means to create their own website. This is a shocking number and that is exactly how NowFloats originated. The Hyderabad based startup, was started by a team of four, who found the right time and took advantage of the opportunities presented to them. They understood the importance of an online presence for every business. From what could be looked at as an innovate way to give to society and contribute to the country”s economic development they came up with the idea of helping SMBs create their own website in 13 minutes!
With NowFloats, you can create a website in 13 minutes or 4 text messages. It is something I have never heard of before. Something I said was impossible when my friend told me about them and then I check out their super cool website. The impossible and unbelievable had materialized right in front of my eyes and I had no choice but to quietly accept it.
Personally, I think it is an awesome initiative on their part to aim to get all the SMBs in India on the Internet. With their crazy text message scheme and their colorful website that reflects the skill and creativity they possess I”m pretty sure their dreams will come true. Congratulations to the entire Nowfloats team for coming this far and doing so well! When things don”t go as smoothly as you wish then just remember you have fans like me who are silently rooting for you!
Don”t forget to check out their website:
Also check out their app, NowFloats Boost, for iOS and Android users.
iTunes :
Google Play :