BiG Talks India Conference



BiG Talks India Conference


Table of Contents

According to Stephen Covey 7th habit of highly effective people is to sharpen the saw- Preserving and enhancing the greatest asset you have!!
You always have an opportunity to learn new things by attending good events, which increase your networking and strengthen your personality than existing, helping to be effective in your work life. To Break out of your comfort zone, challenge yourself and have learning in the new space there is an opportunity waiting for you!!

BiG talks is the platform for sharing success stories and ideas, creating conversations, and empowering people to work towards their dreams. It is a social experiment, a community of people share ideas usually in the form of short, powerful talks covers almost all topics like arts, science, society, technology, business, and entertainment.


The concept or the idea is to connect great leaders to the one who is looking for guidance in their life. This is a great opportunity to be part of the best conference in India, the event inspires you and brings you to understand what others are doing in their life.
Date: 25th, March 2018

Venue: Tabla Pride 5h floor, Road No.1, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, India.

Time: 09:00 am to 01:00 pm.

The theme of the conference: “Learn from Leaders”, where Industry experts and great influential leaders will address. This Conference will deliver an exceptional speaks.

Grab this opportunity to exchange idea and learn from their inspiring stories to build your entrepreneurial journey