EzyCook – cooking made easy



EzyCook – cooking made easy


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EzyCook – Saves 80% of your Kitchen work. 

You just cook fresh & Enjoy eating !!

Home-cooked food, the mere term reminds us of an aromatic recipe cooking in the background of our kitchens since childhood, for god knows how many years; reminds us of the love of mom infused into each and every recipe; reminds us of the comfort of family, home and all that is good with our surroundings; reminds us of the family meals, the taste, the love and all of it.

But, alas! This beautiful word of home-cooked food is a mere fantasy in people”s life today. With the ever-growing competitive world, the man and the woman of the house do not have time to cook at home. For home-cooked food to be replicated in the way it was traditionally done involves a lot of work. You need to shop for the specific vegetables beforehand, you need to wash those vegetables, cut them, assemble all the spices, and wait for them to cook. Oh! How long the process goes on for! And, god save you if there is soaking or pressure-cooking or marinating or blending involved or worse, or if one of the key spices or ingredients isn’t available at home! Ah! The fiasco!

Because of all the pain-points and the waste of the most valuable commodity – time, we prefer going to restaurants or order take-aways and that works best for many of the working class. But, every once in awhile, the pang of missing home-cooked food engulfs many people.

Indians have long believed in the benefits of consuming food freshly prepared at home. But, because of the changing lifestyles and socio-economic patterns, many people are resorting to the so-called “convenience food” – was the fact that bothered Shashank Kamshetty. It bothered him to such an extent that he devised a plan to bridge this big gap between “convenience” and “home-cooked food”. He came up with the plan of reaching out to people with his ready-to-cook recipe packs that would change the dynamics of food industry and consumer”s consumption pattern. He had the idea in his mind and what came next was the execution, all he needed next was a chef who could create the tasty recipe protocols. He wanted to give the people the luxury of home-cooked food, so who best to choose other than a home-cook. He looked around for the best home-cook he knew and that was when he approached, Allam Padma, the best home-cook he knew and incidentally his mother-in-law!


After months of decision making, research and a lot of cooking, Shashank Kamshetty, with his co-founder Allam Padma started GingerPac Readyfoods Pvt Ltd . To highlight their main agenda of making people”s cooking experience Easy, Convenient and Fun, the founders termed their brand name as EzyCook, a single term that explained their product completely!

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So, how does EzyCook help in making one”s cooking experience Easy, Convenient And Fun? EzyCook”s recipe packs are the do-it-yourself kits of cooking. The team at EzyCook have already tried, tested and essentially finalized all their recipes and have come up with an array of veg and non-veg recipes ranging from the starters to main course.

They shop for the most fresh vegetables and meat or poultry or seafood in the market, making sure that the consumer has really healthy, fresh ingredients at hand. Then, they wash the ingredients thoroughly, cut them into pieces most adaptable to the recipe, soak or pressure-cook or marinate or blend them, if needed. Then, they assemble the spices and pack the spices in required quantities. All the pastes required are properly sealed and packed. Starting from the core ingredient to the spices and salt, all the portions are measured to the error of milligrams before being packed.

All the components of the pack are then compositely arranged in a convenient box that is easy to carry and use. Along with this, comes a small card, the card that has the recipe instructions step by step. A look into those small cards would give us an insight into how the elegance of the pack lies in the simplicity and ease of the final cooking process that one has to endure. All they request you to provide for yourself is the oil, pan and a ladle. Now all one needs is four items – EzyCook recipe pack, a utensil, oil and ladle. That is all !



This seemingly glorious and easy idea has had a lot of brain and research put in. It is clear by talking to Shashank Kamshetty that the idea was not a whimsical thought of a frustrated brain but a clearly-put, well-thought and judiciously researched direction. In his own words, Shashank says,

In 2011, I was the co-founder of the startup, Rays, a lifestyle hospital, a centre primarily born to change the way people suffering from lifestyle diseases got treated. Two years, a lot of sweat and pain and a few differences later, I had to quit the organization. Though I had left the hospital, my heart could not leave the idea of health, the changing lifestyles and the harm we are put under because of the changing life-styles. While building up Rays, with the extensive research I did for the hospital, I learnt that diet has long been linked with the development of lifestyle diseases, and dietary modification is one of the cornerstones for chronic disease prevention. From there, the idea of “healthy food” haunted me.

I was and I am still of the opinion that home-cooked food is always healthier than food eaten outside! I could have gone ahead and done the usual routine of designing salad packs and soup powders, but that was not my portal. My target was to create healthy, tasty packs that one would not give up so easily or eat so forcibly. Home-cooked food seemed like the solution to bring a reverse change in the bad-lifestyle habits. But, being used to cooking regularly at home, I knew that cooking food in traditional methods took a whole lot of time and energy. Not just with me, but research has proven that sadly, Indians spend over 13 hours a week for cooking, highest in comparison to the international average of less than 6 and half hours each week. Also, after discussing with few who regularly cooked food at home, I could identify many more pain-points related to cooking.

Therefore, I felt that a product which could bridge the gap of fresh home-cooked food with convenience, and save over 50% of the overall time spent in kitchen, was the need of the hour. And that’s how GingerPac was born to address the cooking pain-points through its fresh ready-to-cook recipe packs under the brand EzyCook. Using EzyCook’s recipe pack one doesn’t have to spend any time for preparation, you just cook & enjoy eating!! Says the proud co – founder Shashank when asked about the idea behind this venture.

Let us wish them all the very best and hoping great success on their endeavors.

If you like the concept and idea and stay / work in the above-mentioned areas, do log into the EzyCook website (www.ezycook.in)  and order all your favorite dishes without haste! Save that precious time of preparing for the dish and instead do something you enjoy!

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