Tag: startup resources

What Should You Look For In An Investor?

We have read a lot about what should investors look in a startup and micro-blogs with captions like 10 Things To Impress Your Investors and all that jazz but, at the end of the day it”s not about them, it is about you and your brainchild. When it comes to choosing

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Co-founder agreement: What goes into it?

Statistics say that an average couple argues 312 times in a year and that 1 out of 5 of these couples are willing to end the relationship over it. Startup founders are more or less like a married couple and we are sure the number of times cofounders argue wouldn’t be really far.

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Telangana Govt. Announces IT Policies, 2016.

With the IT & startup industries going a notch higher, Hyderabad is earning the capital status for startups and the Information Technology sector in India. After the remarkable response received upon the launch of T-Hub, which is proving to be India”s largest technology incubator, the growth is overwhelming and the

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10 websites for free Stock Images for startups

Stock Photos, something that has helped a lot of designers and editors over time to get photos taken by professional photographers at a very low cost and services like Shutterstock have been around since quite a while acting as a platform for the same. While being great for both the photographers

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Create a Winning Pitch Deck

“A pitch deck is a presentation selling your company to potential investors. It explains what is the company, who is behind it, where it’s currently standing, and what is the deal being sought.” Answers Francisco on Quora. When you are up there on the podium with all the lime light on

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Starting up? Different types of business options available

India has woken up too late! These words are of our President Pranab Mukherjee while interacting with a delegation of CEOs from the Silicon Valley in New Delhi. Indian youth are second to none in entrepreneurship. India serves as the fastest growing start-up base worldwide and stands third with 4,200

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