Hack Against Climate Change at #hack4good 0.6 – World”s Largest Hackathon



Hack Against Climate Change at #hack4good 0.6 – World”s Largest Hackathon




#hack4good is the world’s largest hackathon against climate change. Uniting globally 12-14 September 2014, 3,000+ leading software engineers, hackers, ui/ux designers, product makers, founders, thought leaders and civic-minded organisations will gather in 40+ global cities to hack against climate change, building prototypes of technology solutions that address 15 global climate change challenges. In India, #hack4good 0.6 is currently scheduled to happen in Kochi, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Kolkata, Jaipur, Mumbai, New Delhi and Chandigarh.

How does #hack4good work?
Teams respond to problem statements and challenges set by NGOs, government organisations and subject matter experts, collaborating intensively over a 48-hour period. The result is 100s of prototype projects that demonstrate innovative technology solutions to have a positive impact for humanity.

In each location, a judging panel made up of technology leaders and subject matter experts will select the most promising teams in terms of their potential impact. These go forwards into global judging. The teams selected by the global judging panel will present their projects as part of Climate Week NYC alongside the UN Climate Summit in New York in September.


What they have achieved in the previous editions?

Hyderabad witnessed the first ever #hack4good 0.5 in the month of February which happened at Google India office in Hyderabad with over 175 registrations just in the period of 2 days and 90 hackers were physically present at the hackathon for 3 days starting from Friday evening 6 PM to Sunday evening 7 PM.

Google has supported them with the venue for the event and also the good required for all the participants throughout the hackathon.
One of the apps built during this hackathon at Hyderabad called Offline Connect and Communicate won the top 3rd place among all the hacks built during the hackathon. They tackled the problem of communication in a disaster situation. Using Raspberry Pi devices to build ad-hoc wi-fi networks, their system allows voice communication between Android phones, even when mobile networks are down. The top 3 hacks throughout the world are from India and that is where they see the potential of solving more social problems and build amazing apps using the latest technologies to make the country we live in a better place.

Complete list of top hacks built during 0.5 edition:

Confirmed cities in India hosting #hack4good:
Hyderabad, Bangalore, Mumbai, Chennai, Jaipur, Chandigarh, New Delhi

Youtube videos of #hack4good 0.5:

Full set of photos- #hack4good 0.5:

Social media links:
Facebook: http://facebook.com/hack4goodindia
Google+: https://plus.google.com/b/115654249794976567584/

Online registrations:

#hackathon app:

For sponsorships and partnerships:
Harish Kotra – 9618035273 – harishk@geekli.st

Picture of Ruchika Agarwal

Ruchika Agarwal

With zeal to never settle for mediocrity, Ruchika always strives to put her best foot forward without any hesitation, especially in the field of marketing and communications. She is an absolute delight, well presented and well spoken. Apart from her flair for writing, her keen interests lie in areas of brand development, advertising and event management. Ruchika's desire to get involved in strategy development has never hampered with her creative spur, which reflects in her passion for photography, music, sketching, dance, travelling and eating!

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