Smart City Hackathon at BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus – A platform for Hackers to pitch their prototypes and solutions
The first of its kind Smart City Hackathon was held on 10th and 11th October at BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus HackMania and Idealabs powered by NASSCOM 10000 Startups. The two day 30 hours hackathon provided a platform for hackers and innovators to pitch their prototypes and solutions to the industry leaders, investors, IT professionals and public at large.
The hackathon received tremendous response with more than 300 registrations, out of all the participants about 120 were shortlisted for product development.
25% of the participants were working professionals and about 75% were students from various engineering colleges.
The idea of this Smart City Hackathon was to bring the best of hacking community across India at one event to encourage smart and innovative tech solutions to support the smart city initiative. The hackathon had participation from celebrated hackers, professionals and college graduates. Industry mentors from some of the most celebrated startups and innovators shared their experiences and mentored the participants all through the event. The hackathon was themed towards smart cities and covered multiple aspects like health, environment, agriculture, traffic and transportation, security, public grievances etc.
The winners were awarded with cash prize from BITS Hyderabad and will be given a platform to pitch their prototypes and solutions to investors, incubation/mentoring at T-Hub said Mr. Jayesh Ranjan IAS and a 3 months mentoring by the Unitus Seedfund said Mr. Ramana Gogula. Hackmania and Idealabs organized the Smart City Hackathon at BITS Hyderabad with active support from Hyderabad Hackers and Hyderabad4Innovation.
In the last few years the trend of hackathons has been growing and hackathons are now being considered for educational, social purposes and creating usable software. The “Smart City Hacakthon” at BITS Pilani Hyderabad will provide a platform for hackers to showcase their innovative prototypes and solutions to a wide audience that include both consumers and investors
Jury Panel:
Jayesh Ranjan IAS, Secretary, ITE&C Department, Govt. Of Telangana.
Ramana Gogula, Music Director and Investment & Operations Team, Unitus Seedfund
Surya Rao, MD, Technology Business Incubator, BITS Pilani Hyderabad
Pankaj Diwan, MD, UPTEC Idealabs
Ramesh Loganathan, Managing Director, Progress Software
Safir Adeni, Managing Partner & CEO, Ineda Venture Group
With 15 teams participating following were declared as winners
Swachhta Nirdeshak: The team worked on a problem statement on how to rate the hygiene of a community/region in a city.. So we developed an android app which rates the hygiene using the attributes (drinking water quality, air pollution index and garbage collection frequency). The person can also compare two different regions in the city, giving an option to select the best. Team: Vivek Kiran, Anil Thota, Krishna Gopaluni.
Smart Parking using Moving Sensors: Using one movable sensor instead of using many sensors, it has many applications like car parking, street lights, miltary borders etc. We are dealing about smart parking using ultrasonic sensor and moving robot. People can find out the empty parking spaces through gprs, now in India it can be easily implemented because of digital India. Team: Pavan kalyan, Vuppulla Sudheer, G Shishma Sri
Two teams have been tied for the third position:
Smart Transit: Fill in the missing link to India’s public transportation information, which is the private operated autos, vans, buses that our population uses for intra and inter city commutes. The project aims to bring that information into public domain by using crowd sourcing via Web and Mobile apps. Team: Saiprasad Tirumala, Mohammed Hussain Manashia
Smart Prepaid Energy Meter: Just like we recharge our mobiles via prepaid method, we can implement the same idea on Energy meter to conserve power and minimize the power wastage. This will reduce the burden on government to generate bills and then reduce reckless use of power. Team: Meghana Kota, Mounika Pampara, Sahithi Chaganti, Vinay Deepesh, Rakesh Ramgiri.