The most celebrated annual startup event in Hyderabad with participation from across the world is The August Fest. Having turned 5 years old, this year the August Fest spirit has been multiplied by having twin venues, one at Mumbai and the other at Hyderabad. While August 19th and 20th are the event dates for Mumbai, 26th and 27th August are the dates to be blocked for enthusiasts in Hyderabad. The two cities are gearing up to host 6 events around the media, growth stories, social innovation, scaling up, sports and future technology.
The event has been gearing up loyalty over the years with repeated participants and the magnitude of the event this year has been multiplied with over 15000 attendees, 150 speakers, 100 pitches and 50 different workshops.
Some of the speakers you should look forward to are Carolina Correa, brand strategist and consultant, Deepthi Uppalapati, Founder & MD Livewell Future Solutions, Raj Neravati, Founder of Hug Innovations and more. Choose the event that you want to attend and get tickets here-
Last year’s event details are here