Beamers, Bouncers & Gentlemen – Startup Cricket League, 2016.



Beamers, Bouncers & Gentlemen – Startup Cricket League, 2016.


Table of Contents

SCL is back and now it's bigger!
SCL is back and now it’s bigger!

Some put their faith in it, for some it”s a religion and for some it”s just a way of expression. It”s a mad nation with a cult following for none other than Cricket and what better if we all take a day out of work to play a game of cricket and celebrate sportsmanship at it”s best. Sounds like a plan, right? Such is the story of Startup Cricket League which gives you the opportunity to unwind, untwine, socialise, network and play cricket dumping your daily routine at the corner of your room. So, pull up your gloves and get in the field, shall we?

This is so cool!

The Team!


Started in the year 2015 by Memilog, Startup Cricket League is a conference and an expo wherein Startups from around the city would get in the field together, to fight out a friendly battle over a gentleman”s game. Not just startups but the inventiveness was to unite the startup biome such as investors, founders, mentors, incubators, accelerators and students. Why cricket though? When it comes to cricket in our country, we leave everything behind, sit with friends and cheer through nail biting situations and this couldn”t get any better, bringing people from various different startups who will go head on against each other while endorsing sportsmanship, networking and brotherhood among each other. The SCL Trophy will see 16 Startups battling it out in 15 matches of 12 overs each. What is exciting is, these round of matches posses quirky names from the Startup sectors portraying the journey of a startup to a successfully built enterprise. For instance, the first of the match is termed as The Seed Round and the teams who qualify will go to the next round of match which is The Angel Round further down is the Venture Round and the finale ends on The IPO Round. This makes SCL even more interesting and fun as it takes a complete different approach to the game of cricket and we can undoubtedly say that this is indeed tailor-made for Startups!

What if Cricket is not my cup of tea?

Even if cricket is not made for you, there are a whole bunch of things lined up at the Startup Cricket League and no kidding, they are exciting perks that you do not want to miss out –

Internship Buckets: Portfolio labeled Internship Buckets, will be placed around the arena and interested audiences can always drop in their details and expect a call for a promising Internship.

Founders Pavilion: The Founders Pavilion would consist, industry experts, founders, CEOs, presenting an opportunity for upcoming entrepreneurs or the audience to have a personal chat with the elite.

Super Catch: Be a part of the game! If you catch the ball that was hit for a six, SCL promises to shower you with goodies.

Startup Powerplay Match:The SCL Startup Founders will face the investors team in the most nerve tingling match of the day. Entrepreneurial spirit meets the ocean of industrial knowledge.

Startup Expo: SCL gives you an acumen as to how startups work in the city. This also involves the activity of familiarising yourself with the products or ideas showcased through the demo pods.

Startup Talks: Long talks, short talks, memories made and shared, giving a peek into the entrepreneurial journeys of established startups in the city. Young and serial entrepreneurs alike would be present to tell you their side of the story.

I”m sold! How do I get here?

SCL Going Places
SCL Going Places

Started off in Hyderabad, Startup Cricket League received lots of appreciation in and around them and they decided to take this legacy in various other cities of the country. Starting this year, SCL is set to host in Bangalore, Delhi, Jaipur and Hyderabad which will see 64 teams, who will be rocking out for the SCL Trophy.

The event after being conducted in each city will have 4 top teams selected for the Grand Finale from each activity ( Startup Matches, Startup Talks, Startup Expo ). Once all the cities are done competing, a grand finale will be held in Hyderabad where all the finalists will battle it out for the National Champion.

Mark Your Calendars! 

Mark Your Calendars
Mark Your Calendars

So, what are you waiting on? Get your players and your avatar on. Register here.


Picture of Rahul Das

Rahul Das

It's kinda weird when you have to write about yourself so... Let's do this? I write, photograph & make music. I do not approve monotony while alternative education, sarcasm & backpacking tops my list and I totally dig garage-culture! I was a former journalist at The Times of India and a freelancer for Rolling Stone magazine. You can go ahead and check out my work: That's it, I guess?