‘Blog It to Win It’ @ Entrepreneurship India, 2014



‘Blog It to Win It’ @ Entrepreneurship India, 2014


Entrepreneurship India

ICFAI Business School (IBS Hyderabad) is a constituent of IFHE (ICFAI foundation for higher education), a deemed university as per UGC Act 1956. Since its establishment in 1995, IBS has grown impressively and achieved widespread recognition from business and industry, academic circles, and professional bodies. IBS is consistently ranked among the top B-Schools in India, in the annual B-School surveys every year.

Maà§on – The Entrepreneurship Cell of IBS Hyderabad, is a conglomerate of individuals with a vision, a dream which surely can come true. It is a place for all those who want to create their own path and leave behind the trails of success. The Cell aims at nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit and tremendous energy among individuals to a level where they can bring about a positive change in the society – A change that we all aspire for.

Maà§on conducts Entrepreneurship India which is a week-long celebration of innovators, job creators and aspiring minds, who gather to bring ideas to life and expand human welfare. During the week, many events and competitions are conducted to inspire minds from all around the country to engage into entrepreneurial activity and connecting talent to potential investors, mentors or even venture capitalists.

There are a host of competitions running in the interwebs that celebrate great blogging talent and upcoming internet celebrities. Start-Up Hyderabad is hosting a Blog-fest during Entrepreneurship India 2014 organised by Maà§on. The competition aims at showcasing and celebrating the plethora of talent in the IBS blogosphere.

Why should you enter this competition?

  • Get Published – Opportunity to get your work and bio published on the official website of Start-up Hyderabad
  • Get Discovered – Oportunity to be an editor and blogger of the Start-up Hyderabad community and contributing towards its growth
  • Get Recognised – Get acknowledged for your efforts and work
  • Get Feedback – Improvise your work and get reviewed by veterans in the field

To scribble your way into the editorial team of Start-upHyderabad.com, please visit:

To register          :  http://goo.gl/mjynOJ
For more             : http://theecell.org/events_1/events1.html


Picture of Saloni Anand

Saloni Anand

Saloni, a software developer turned MBA student aspires to have a startup of her one day. She has an experience of two years in the software industry and is currently the president of Macon, the entrepreneurship cell at her Business school. She believes in promoting entrepreneurship and helping them in any way possible.