Medulance and Cakelicious bag a deal from the Sharks, whereas Toyshine’s valuation with 0.5% equity shocks the sharks and’s platform needs work!
Medulance bags a 3-Shark Deal for 2% Equity!!
Although ambulances are a great invention, the lack of emergency services available at the right time is grave. The ambulance services in India are very unstable mainly due to traffic and lack of enough availability. To solve this issue and digitize the emergency services, Ravjot & Prana began Medulance in 2017. Their solution tries to provide an ambulance within 20 mins on average. It has 3 subscription services: Medu ERS: stationed ambulance service; MeduClinic: a medical Room service; and MeduAlert: which covers corporate employees & 4 family members. They lease the ambulances and tie up with hospitals to provide their service. Having saved over 8L lives and attending over 2L covid patients, Medulance is bootstrapped. Moreover, they have 24cr in sales in FY21-22 with a projection of 40cr in this FY.
Medulance seeks an investment of Rs. 2cr for 1% equity @ a 200cr valuation. Sharks Namita & Aman & Peyush offer Rs. 1cr for 1% equity @100cr valuation & 1cr debt. However, the founders request the Sharks for a no-debt deal. Countering with a revised offer of Rs. 2cr for 2% equity @ a 100cr valuation, the founders choose Aman, Namita & Peyush’s deal.
Toyshine seeks Rs. 1.25cr for 0.5% equity!!!
Converting his family business into an online e-commerce platform, Rohit Khanna began Toyshine in 2018. Toyshine is a preschool & toddlers specialist toy brand that caters to 0-12-year-old kids. With over 2000 varieties of toys, 85% of their products are made in India. They have 45cr in sales in FY21-22, netting 15% in profit. Aiming to bring Toyshine toys to every kid, the founder asks for an investment of ₹1.25 cr for 0.5% Equity @ a 250cr valuation. However, he doesn’t receive any deals.
Cakelicious boxes in a deal with Shark Amit!
Home bakers turning entrepreneurs, Duriya & Fatema Barodawala began Cakelicious in 2020 from their home kitchen. Bringing innovation to how the cakes are delivered, they started cake tubs. Their cake tubs come in 3 sizes with 30 flavors, for every day of the month. With 2 cloud kitchens and 1 retail store, they have served over 2L customers. Cakelicious products contain no preservatives or premixes and are baked by hand. They have sales of 3L last month and aim to open their stores in every State in India.
Cakelicious asks the tank for an investment of ₹25 Lakhs for 5% Equity @ a 5cr valuation. Receiving an offer from Shark Amit, he offers Rs. 15L for 15% @1cr & 10L interest-free debt. Countering with ₹25 Lakhs for 20% equity, they sign a deal!
Bowled.iois a gaming platform for sports enthusiasts!
Passion & knowledge about sports thrives in many people. However, there is no platform that can materialize these interests or provide insights about how to develop the users’ skills. Rahul & Akshay began which is a sports-based social gaming platform where you can earn real money. With over 3L games played in 3 weeks, aims to build an immersive experience for fans. Moreover, has 3 parts: Arena, Live cricket lounge, and Marketplace where the users can buy, or sell digital assets NFTs.
Their revenue model includes selling digital assets, in-game transaction deals, and sponsorship They have Rs. 1.2cr in lifetime sales with 1500 daily active users. Previously, they have raised an angel round worth Rs. 2.5cr @ a 50cr valuation in Jan 2022, and another Rs. 12cr convertible note @ 80cr floor & 200cr ceiling. Asking for an investment of ₹80 Lakhs for 1% Equity @ an 80cr valuation, did not receive any deals.