Hacker Summit in Hyderabad



Hacker Summit in Hyderabad


Table of Contents


#Hacker Showcase
#Hacker Talk
#Hacker Hiring

Celebrating everything about hacking with the hacking community under one roof at the mega event #Hacker Summit, the first ever in Hyderabad!

The Hacker Summit, an initiative by HYSEA is scheduled from the 9th of July until the 11th brings together hackers and startups to celebrate the spirit of hacking community in India. There will be talks from celebrated hackers, deep-dive tech sessions, hackathons and a hacker hiring event.

John Werner from MIT Media Lab and Janakiram MSV, an international Tech evangelist willed liver keynote talks apart from other hackers/founders and CTOs of well known startups and thought leaders among open source communities. The technology sessions will have discussions on emerging technologies and hacking tips in Cloud, Docker, IOT, security, Node JS and more. All the winners from the hackathons conducted during the last one year will be acknowledged.

The beauty of the unconference is that we hand-pick a variety of people from different industries, genres, ages and countries. You are as likely to meet the owner of a million dollar business, as you are to meet a young founder of a startup, a celebrity hacker or a founder of the most talked about startup. This variety creates an amazing vibe that keeps the event extraordinary and something that you simply do not experience at networking events.

The Mega Hackathon will have professionals, budding hackers, and students collaborating and competing. What follows is a hiring event driven by Headstart Higher where startups can hire fulltime employees or students for internships and fresher roles. Speed date to hire your future employees. Please click here to register.

Register now and avail the early bird offers to get some cool discounts on your participant or startup registration. More details at hackersummit.in .