Inspired by a problem that the founders Yash Agarwal and Kritika Jain faced while they were studying their Bachelor’s at the NIIT university, they started working on a reliable and technology driven solution to cater to the problem of over speeding, reckless driving, parking assistance, unavailability of prompt facilitation of emergency services along with a few faculty members in September 2014.
Further they documented their works and presented a proof of concept with visualized simulations and a basic prototype at the 4th International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo held at Shenzhen, China in October 2015.
Here they met Dr. Orkun Karabasoglu Asst. Prof. at Carnegie Mellon University’s Joint Institute of Engineering, Director at The Laboratory for Intelligent Vehicles and Energy Systems, Affiliated faculty at the Carnegie Mellon University, who shared a similar idea and was also working on a similar solution and then the founding team (Yash Agarwal, Kritika Jain and Dr. Orkun Karabasoglu) started working on this solution together applied for a patent to it and founded Trackyo in Sept 2016 to deliver this idea and framework to the market.
Trackyo is a Hyderabad based startup company where they are designing vehicle monitoring and driver assistance systems for gated societies (enterprises/ premises secured by gates and security guards at entry and exit points). They aim to reduce the death toll, damages due to accidents from over speeding and reckless driving within the enterprise.Trackyo also provide an integrated platform for a communication channel between the enterprise and the nearest emergency service providers such that the security guard at the enterprise can report a situation to these emergency providers just by the click of a button.
From a market survey that the Trackyo team has conducted it was observed that 65% of the respondents feel that Trackyo’s technology driven solutions are much more effective than the currently available alternative solutions viz., speed breakers, road mirrors, manual monitoring, CCTV surveillance, etc. Also it was observed that less than 20% of the respondents feel that the alternative solutions (all put together are currently effective).
From a pilot study that the Trackyo team conducted at the Carnegie Mellon University’s Joint Research Institute at Shinde, China, it was observed that the effectiveness of this system was found to be 63% I.e., the number of total violations of the vehicle drivers on whom the pilot was being conducted were reduced by 63% over a period of just 2 days.
From previously conducted surveys and reports, it was observed that over 0.45Mn deaths and over 12.5Mn serious accidents have occurred due to residential over speeding and residential reckless driving.
Although technology driven solutions such as CCTV surveillance, smart parking, visitor tracking etc. Are on the rise, a reliable and more effective technology driven solution that caters to almost all of the issues including problems due to over speeding, reckless driving, unavailability of prompt facilitation of emergency services, automated ticketing for violations/ parking, parking assistance and etc. Has not yet been implemented and this is where Trackyo comes in.
Implementation video
Trackyo framework and implementation strategy is patent protected and partnered with Carnegie Mellon University (CMU USA)
Trackyo is a bootstrapped venture and looking for strategic investing partners who can bring investments, mentoring, expertise and other such opportunities with them to scale up and grow with Trackyo.
Currently Trackyo is being incubated at the T-Hub Hyderabad. Soon they will be joining the Accelerator program of AutoNebula, India’s leading Accelerator and Incubator for Connected Vehicles startups.