Idea Express by StartupHyderabad is a bi-weekly column outlining some outlandish idea. Aspiring entrepreneurs are encouraged to slice and dice the ideas and run with them.
Google through its Page-Rank algorithm was able to rightly guess the worthiness of a particular website and revolutionize information lookup. Can you do the same and accurately estimate the worthiness of a person? Or at-least the pseudo worthiness of a person.
LinkedIn estimates your worthiness based on who you are connected to, your designation, your education and how many people are actually following and listening to you. Average person spends a lot of time on the internet leaving his footprint on socializing, buying stuff, reading, writing and pouring his guts out. Given the size of the foot print, we should be able to quantify somebody’s worthiness based on a lot of other factors as well.
For a start,
– Number of mentions of the person
– Number of followers / Listeners (That in turn should be enough to say if you are a original thinker or just a regurgitator)
– Weighted Six Degrees of Separation (What is the combined worthiness of the six of your biggest connections)
If you are ambitious,
– How do you calculate real net worth based on internet-worth?
– Can you quantify and sell the score to organizations looking for influencers
Now tell me Kim Kardashian has more inter-net worth or Elon Musk? I bet the answer is going to question your life’s priorities.
About The Author
Srinivas Aki in his current role as the CEO & Founder of The Egghead Creative, works with entrepreneurs and startups advising them on technology, products and strategy. As an Indian born and US bred technologist, he brings a formidable outlook to software driven endeavors. If you are an early stage startup looking for advise, reach out to the author at