Be different from your competitor by doing smarter work with your money than traditional marketing…. by transforming the way you sell to the modern buyer!!!
“If you have more money than brains, you should focus on outbound marketing. If you have more brains than money, you should focus on inbound marketing – Guy Kawasaki, Chief Evangelist, Canva.
To build more website traffic, generate leads and grow your sales inbound strategy is the key to success. It is 10x more effective for improving your company
The goal of inbound marketing is providing the right content, to the right person, at the right time and converting them into leads.
Companies need to create right kind of content that attracts, converts closes and delights the customer. Inbound leads convert faster than an outbound lead meaning the sales cycles will be shorter and the salesperson doesn”t have to spend a lot of time trying to convince the lead.
You need to increase website traffic as it creates more opportunities to convert visitors into leads and through Lead Generation leads are captured, they can be automatically nurtured into qualified sales opportunities. Once prospects are educated and influenced by your digital content, your sales process becomes much more productive
Selling does not end when the order is closed, you need to increase customer loyalty by continually educating customers which will further turn them as promoters for your business.
How do you start inbound sales at your company???
The major components are BUYERS PERSONA and BUYERS JOURNEY Buyer personas are profiles of your ideal customers, the customer”s age, gender, occupation, interests, and behaviour etc.
This is the most important phase while implementing an inbound strategy because knowing about your potential by understanding his needs and wants is for the marketer to achieve the targets.
Then next we need to focus on, buyer journey which helps us understand the behaviours, interests, of your audience on a deeper level to align your content and strategies with them.
Define the buyer”s journey:
— Awareness stage: Buyers identify a challenge they are experiencing or an opportunity they want to perceive.
— Consideration stage: Buyers have clearly defined the goal or the challenge and have committed to addressing it.
— Decision stage: Buyers have already decided on a solution category one of the best meet their needs
Inbound sales different from outbound from the following aspects:
Advisory: Trust-worthy relationship exists between the salesperson and the buyer. Here, the salesperson helps the buyer in making out buying decisions apart from selling activity.
Personalize: As you have already understood about the leads through buyer”s persona you can personalize your messages to specific needs. And finally at the end organized sales teams will identify the behaviors of best-fit customers, leading to better-qualified leads.
Buyer-centric: The entire sales activity must focus on buyer than the seller. There must be an active interaction between the salesperson and the buyer and the salesperson should be an expert and advisor and help the buyer to accomplish their goals and challenges.
Two – way communication which is interactive One-way communication
Customer come to you Customer are sought out
Salesperson educates and entertains the buyer Marketer rarely educates the buyer
It is through social media It is through cold calls, TV, radio, banner advertising
Inbound sales process according to Hubspot experts
Identify: Identifying the right business opportunities from the start can be the difference between a thriving business and a failing one. Inbound sales people prioritize buyers based on what they do. They start with buyers who have recently viewed your profiles and opened one of your mail.
Connect: When inbound salespeople connect with a potential buyer they lead with a message personalized to the buyer”s context like buyers industry, role, common connections, interests etc.
Explore: In this stage, you need to build an exploratory conversation so that you are in control, but your prospect feels like they are being empowered to make the right decisions.
Advise: Prospects want to know how features are specifically going to help them and their situation. As an inbound salesperson, you serve as a translator between the generic messaging found on your company”s website and the unique needs of your buyer.
Transform your sales approach to Inbound Sales so you can increase your sales goals, improve your sales productivity and overcome the challenges.