



Last month, during Cricket World Cup 2015, so many pre and post matches data were presented before the audience. The keys to success, performance of individuals on various pitches, particular ground, particular opponent, strong zone, weak zone, every minute detail was analyzed and discussed. This helps coaches and captains to decide what combination to play in any game.


These data analysis are not restricted to just sports. Individuals and companies also now-a-days want to have all sorts of information ranging from past performances to current global trends in their area of interest, every tiny bit detail in order to perform better in this environment of intense competition.

Big Data is the term which can be heard out loud and clear all around the corporate world. People are working hard on collecting data and drawing conclusion from them. While you can collect data, difficulty arises in finding relevant information out of such vast collection. And that”s where INFACTUM comes to play.

Infactum is a Cloud based Data Analytics tool.They provide the option of entering data from various sources including excel, google spreadsheets even form mysql. It reads the patterns in data and automatically analyses it. The output is produced in the form of various visualizations. Also the user is provided complete control the analysis he wants to do on data. Any business owners who want to know how their business is performing, their strongholds and weak points, how to improve their business can get automated analysis directly using, Infactum which produces result rapidly.

The Inception

While doing business intelligence service for a data analytics firm, Mr. Nagarjuna Kendalya and Mr. Ashwin Swarup came up with the idea of developing a data analytics tool and this led to the dawn of Infactum in April 2014.

How it Works??

The user has an option of entering data from various sources including excel, google spreadsheets even form mysql. The tool takes in business data like sales, CRM or financial performance or any kind of data and gives insights on it. The output is produced in the form of various visualizations which are automatically categorized on the basis of datetime, predictions, comparisons, forecasting without user having to do anything.

Different people have different queries. Data ranging from sales trends affecting sales to performance in subject or from projecting performances of players to inventory level in operations, every type can be fed into Infactum.


The procedure:
Connect the data to infactum by dropping the data sheet.
Infactum analyses the data.
Generates result in form of visualizations ( graphs, charts) categorized on various basis.

For the convenience infactum is also being deployed at customer”s location on their demand so that result can be inferred at any instant. Infactum is sold as a subscription model for individuals and also as Server model where infactum is deployed in customer location on their server(for companies).

Reports can be accessed anywhere any time.
Process of analysis totally automated and simple in usage.
Processing in natural language so that users can queries can be answered in simple english.
Infactum has a Knowledge management engine which builds as and when users use it and also it makes its domain knowledge rich by learning.

Future Prospect

Their present target is to increase business for the existing tool that is being developed and then in future,target specific domains like retail , Restaurants, Logistics, Education etc.


For detailed analysis visit their website:
