Inspiring quotes from trailblazing women entrepreneurs



Inspiring quotes from trailblazing women entrepreneurs


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Remember the old adage  “What a man can do, a woman can do better.”?  There have been instances of so many women rising above their circumstances and difficulties and surmounting several challenges to make it big. To inspire several other relentless women out there, we have compiled some inspirational quotes from few of those successful women who never gave up and went on to build great companies.

I never dreamed about success. I worked for it. – Estée Lauder, Estée Lauder companies

“I have never worked a day in my life without selling. If I believe in something, I sell it, and I sell it hard.”  – Estée Lauder, Estée Lauder companies

Don”t be intimidated by what you don”t know. That can be your greatest strength and ensure that you do things differently from everyone else. – Sara Blakely, Spanx

I think failure is nothing more than life’s way of nudging you that you are off course. My attitude to failure is not attached to outcome, but in not trying at all. – Sara Blakely, Spanx


Image credit: Gillian Zoe Segal | Wikimedia Commons
Image credit: Gillian Zoe Segal | Wikimedia Commons

“You don”t wait for choices to appear, but you move on by making your own way. ” – Srimathi Shivashankar, HCL

“As working women, we juggle a lot of balls. It is okay if some of the balls fall down!” –  Radhika Shrivastava, Fortune Institute of International Business

“I don”t know how to give up. That is an integral part of who I am.” – Arpita Ganesh, ButterCups

‘Restore connection’ is not just for devices, it is for people too. If we cannot disconnect, we cannot lead. Creating the culture of burnout is opposite to creating a culture of sustainable creativity. This is something that needs to be taught in business schools. This mentality needs to be introduced as a leadership and performance-enhancing tool. – Arianna Huffington, Huffington Post

We treat our people like royalty. If you honor and serve the people who work for you, they will honor and serve you. – Mary Kay Ash, Mary Kay

We must have a theme, a goal, a purpose in our lives. If you don”t know where you are aiming, you don”t have a goal. My goal is to live my life in such a way that when I die, someone can say, “she cared.’  Mary Kay Ash

My philosophy is that not only are you responsible for your life, but doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment. — Oprah Winfrey, Media Proprietor

“Don’t you dare underestimate the power of your own instinct.”  – Barbara Corcoran, businesswoman and Shark Tank Investor

My best successes came on the heels of failures. – Barbara Corcoran, businesswoman and Shark Tank Investor.

“I have a theory and I really believe it. I think your worst weakness can become your greatest single strength.” – Barbara Corcoran, businesswoman and Shark Tank Investor.

“I really believe that entrepreneurship is about being able to face failure, manage failure and succeed after failing.” – Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, Biocon

“As you become more successful, the gender barrier disappears. The credibility challenges you have during your growing up years starts disappearing when you start demonstrating success.” – Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, Biocon

 Image Credit: Prathyush Thomas  Wikimedia Commons
Image Credit: Prathyush Thomas | Wikimedia Commons

You have to look at leadership through the eyes of the followers and you have to live the message. What I have learned is that people become motivated when you guide them to the source of their own power and when you make heroes out of employees who personify what you want to see in the organization. – Anita Roddick, The Body Shop

Whatever you do, be different-that was the advice my mother gave me, and I can”t think of better advice for an entrepreneur. If you”re different, you will stand out. – Anita Roddick, The Body Shop

If you think you”re too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito. – Anita Roddick, The Body Shop

There”s no scientific answer for success. You can”t define it. You”ve simply got to live and do it. – Anita Roddick, The Body Shop

“Life is full of challenges. That”s just how things are. So, we need to start somewhere, right?” – Shabana Faizal, KEF Holdings

I just love bossy women. I could be around them all day. To me, bossy is not a pejorative term at all. It means somebody”s passionate and engaged and ambitious and doesn”t mind leading. – Amy Poehler, actress

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