Million Install Meetup: Growth Hacking Mobile Apps



Million Install Meetup: Growth Hacking Mobile Apps


With the mobile based startups at a boom, India is soon going to called the Silicon Valley of Asia. Isn”t that a great achievement?

According to Flurry”s report, app usage in India has grown by approximately 131 percent in the last few years. Observing this growth trend, lot of entrepreneurs chose this stream to be the main theme of their evolving business.

The growth in mobile apps is tremendous, but at the same time the technology that is going to build these apps is growing at a variably lower rate. This differential growth rates is leading to a gap in the market. Customers are not getting what exactly they are looking for, while firms are not able to push in what they are making.

Studying this gap, Million Install Meetup is being organized by Upshot. It is designed to be a two hour meetup which will aim at exploring various sides of the mobile app business and ways to better it. The event is all set to happen in 5 different cities of India – Gurgaon, Bangalore, Mumbai, Chennai, and Hyderabad/Pune. The Gurgoan event happened on the 10th of December 2015 and the panelists include –

  • Bharath Lingam- CEO,
  • Deepak Abbot- Head Mobile Growth at Times Internet,
  • Anirudh Maitra- Senior Product Manager (Mobile) at,
  • Gauri Juneja- Head Marketing at WOO
  • Kshitij Torka-VP Marketing at Grofers

Upshot is a firm that provides a single platform catering to end to end App experience. It helps brands & app developers maximize User Lifetime Value by taking help of CMS components. This whole meetup is ideated by AppVirality, a startup that provides plug and play growth hackingtoolkit for Mobile Apps.

The meet up is soon coming to Bangalore, Hyderabad and other cities. To stay in the loop for all the details, please fill up this form.

This meet up is a must attend  to learn the growing trends of the mobile apps industry, and to know how to keep up with the latest needs of customers.


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