The Quirky Naari is the India” First Hand-Painted denim brand. This brand makes Hand Paints Bridal Shoes, Denim Jackets, Funky Shoes, keeping in view the fashion trends. The Quirky Naari is a brand located in Mathura. They offer a collection of shoes that is elegant beyond par. Their shoes define grace and don’t fail to deliver the occasion which is fit to wear by all at every occasion. Made by the finest craftsmen, their collection has an eye for detail. They offer a blend of contemporary and traditional fashion which speak volumes and would make you stand out in the crowd.
Malvika Saxena is the founder of this startup. In 2018, when she decided to launch The Quirky Naari with hand-painted shoes, she discovered that it was not a unique idea and she had to find a USP that would make her brand stand out among existing and established players. The brand product line also goes an offering of many other trendy and unique Hand-made products and has its eyes firmly laid on the current fashion trends. The entrepreneur Malvika aims to expand the brand by moving into a digital platform.
There are currently 26.6k followers in his official Instagram account and Malvika states that this type of brand is going to change the fashion style of the whole world in the coming time! The total valuation of this fashion startup is Rs. 7 crores respectively.
The founder of this unique startup has come up with a pitch in Shark Tank for a funding of Rs.35 lakhs at 5% equity in exchange. The two creative Sharks Vineeta Singh and Anupam Mittal came together and finalized the deal for ₹35 Lakhs for 24% Equity making into a net worth of
₹1.4 Crores. Let’s wish this Quirky Naari Malvika the best of luck!