The world is certainly shrinking! With globalisation and the advent of the digital age, it has certainly shrunk to the size of a small village where everyone knows everyone or is separated by only three degrees of connection. Gone are the days when you needed a real time office setup with a phone, fax machine, scanners and receptionists to do business. When we first started and people asked us where our office was we simply flaunted our smartphones at them. My smartphone is truly my PA, scanner, phone, newspaper, health monitor and more!
Five years ago, roles like CMO, growth Hacker, Social Media Marketer, Content Specialist dint exist. More and more companies are diverting huge budgets to spend on digital media and digital marketing has become the most efficient and cost effective method of getting the word out. India took 10 years to grow from 10 million to 100 million internet users, 3 years to grow from 100 million to 200 million and just 1 year to grow from 200 million to 300 million. It is estimated that India will cross 600 million internet users by 2016 and will become the 2nd largest country in the world in terms if internet users (the first being China!)
According to Guy Kawasaki, “social media is more than important for founders – it”s everything.”
Here are the top five reasons why we believe every startup founder should be well versed with digital marketing
1. When you are just starting up, no one can market your business as credibly and passionately as you can do on digital platforms
2. Understand the digital media to learn which marketing tools will help them achieve their growth metrics. Every tool doesn’t work for every product. If your users are not on instagram there is no point in wasting your marketing time and budget on it.
3. Know and understand where and how your team is spending your marketing money – how much ROI is it bringing.
4. Get first hand feedback from your customers. Engage and maintain relationships with them.
5. Connections. Digital media is the best way to reach out and connect with people. A lot of CXOs, investors are all very approachable through their social profiles.
And finally before we conclude, digital marketing know-how is no more optional but essential for every start up founder. Growth opportunities in Digital world are massive and we are witnessing them everyday. Be amongst the early adopters to learn and apply it to your business before your competitors does.