Time is money. Until you meet Cuckuu.



Time is money. Until you meet Cuckuu.


cuckuuMeet Cuckuu – a free mobile social alarm app that turns your schedule into a social adventure. According to Joà£o Coelho, Cuckuu’s co-founder, time is a lot more than money: time is our most precious gift, so we might as well enjoy and make the most of it.

Cuckuu allows you to create alarms and reminders (named cuckuus) and share them with other people.

iOS: bit.ly/cuckuuiOS
Android: bit.ly/cuckuuandroid

Got an important meeting? Share a cuckuu with your team and get them to motivate you in real-time. They can comment or even invite other people to join the alarm.

But it gets better. You can search and join public cuckuus and take the chance to meet new people. After you share a cuckuu with someone, the app gives you the chance to add them as chat buddies as long as there’s a match. You can then talk whenever, wherever.

Now here’s the cherry on top: Cuckuu is a game of time. The faster you shut off an alarm, the more tick-tocks you earn. You can consult a ranking of winners and snoozers and get rewarded as you move up in the game.

Say you want your team to be always on time. Challenge them to compete and reward the most punctual ones.

The concept of the app is based on a simple principle: we are social animals. And as social animals, we tend to be more active if we’re motivated by others. That’s Cuckuu’s purpose: help people make a better use of their time by connecting them in real-time.

The app was created by 4 disruptive portuguese minds, developed in Hyderabad by [x]cube and it is now available for free on the App Store and Google play.

Visit www.cuckuu.com for more information.

iOS: bit.ly/cuckuuiOS
Android: bit.ly/cuckuuandroid


Picture of Saloni Anand

Saloni Anand

Saloni, a software developer turned MBA student aspires to have a startup of her one day. She has an experience of two years in the software industry and is currently the president of Macon, the entrepreneurship cell at her Business school. She believes in promoting entrepreneurship and helping them in any way possible.