SoulUp - Shark Tank India

SoulUp, Connect With Your Inner Self, And Find Peace


SoulUp - Shark Tank India

SoulUp, Connect With Your Inner Self, And Find Peace


Shark Namita invests Rs. 50 Lakhs for 5% equity in SoulUp, a one-on-one peer conversation platform that aims on building emotional health!

SoulUp - Shark Tank India
Shark Namita invests Rs. 50 Lakhs for 5% equity in SoulUp

Every day we find ourselves troubled with multiple problems with no one to share them with. These include fitness, mental health, family, work, loss, and life choices. However, it has become increasingly difficult to find someone reliable or trustworthy to share or express these feelings with.
Good Emotional Health is essential for overall well-being, as it affects our physical health, relationships, and overall quality of life

By taking care of our emotional health, we can build greater resilience, strengthen our relationships, and live more fulfilling life. To improve emotional health, it is important to talk and discuss. However, finding the right people who can help and guide you is important. To help you effectively discover and connect with ‘Peers’, SoulUp was founded in 2021. SoulUp offers a holistic approach to personal growth using tools that connect peers and help them tap into their inner strength and find purpose in life. Connecting you with peers who have previously experienced the troubles you’re facing, SoupUp helps you cultivate inner peace and happiness. Whether you’re feeling lost and disconnected or just want to deepen your spiritual practice, SoulUp has something for you.

Additionally, with its unique and holistic approach to personal growth, Soul Up offers an immersive and transformative experience that goes beyond quick fixes and surface-level advice. Verified Peers on the SoulUp platform provide two features: 1. a 1-on-1 peer conversation; 2. theme-based groups led by an expert. Moreover, these conversations are completely confidential and protected by the platform’s privacy protocols. Seeking an investment of Rs. 50 Lakhs for 3% Equity, SoulUp receives an investment of Rs. 50 Lakhs for 5% Equity from Shark Namita. They take the deal and aim to help everyone improve their emotional health!

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Picture of Rituka M

Rituka M

I am an avid reader and have a passion for writing. Being a law student coming from a commerce background, I have a flair for learning about the dynamic legal and business fraternity, as well as becoming an entrepreneur myself. Innovation, creativity, and hard work are the sole drivers to growth and is my mantra for life.