Speak At India’s Biggest UI UX Conference – UXIndia 2018



Speak At India’s Biggest UI UX Conference – UXIndia 2018


Table of Contents

A not-for-profit venture, UXINDIA is built by, built for, and sustained by its growing community of designers, enthusiasts, influencers from business, education, and governance.UsabilityMatters.Org is organizing UXINDIA.

Conceived, created, and curated by its community, UX INDIA has been progressively propagating best design practices for the transforming world that we live in today. The conference has been upleveling the role of design and designer in the industry through carefully crafted design deliberations.

Education, skills, influence, and impact have always been cornerstones for our conference in empowering our community and in driving the cause of sound design for better living. UXINDIA conference is a confluence of thoughts and ideas from the industry, academia, and governance driving socio-economic impact with design at the core.

UXINDIA is inviting inspired design practitioners, academics, tech geeks, and business leaders to submit your proposals for workshops and talks. As always, we strongly encourage you to bring your projects, case studies, stories or initiatives that showcase the influence of design at the intersections of Technology, Design, and Business.

Theme: Being Human by Design

As the boundaries between humans and machines blur with the new tech, we are up for an exciting ride where the technology when designed responsibly could work beautifully. As demonstrated at recent Google I/O, assistive tech can seamlessly blend into our lives and offer great human experiences. On the flip side in a different example, Youtube auto-playing the next video within seconds backed by deep learning is eating into our sleep. This race for capturing the attention isn”t best for our well being. Going beyond UX/UI, the role of design becomes paramount than ever in designing experiences for humans that reflect the sense of responsibility, and that instills trust and confidence in the emerging tech. Even if the boundaries are blurring, should there be a line drawn to differentiate machines with humans? What does it take to design experiences that bring the very essence of human to our interactions with tech?


UXINDIA 2018 inviting inspired design practitioners, academics, tech geeks, and business leaders to submit your proposals for workshops and talks. As always, we strongly encourage you to bring your projects, case studies, stories or initiatives that showcase the influence of design at the intersections of Technology, Design, and Business.


  • Raising the game
  • Experiences for Emergent Tech
  • Design Craft with UI Focus
  • Design Practice & Process
  • Immersive Demo Sessions

Click here to Submit your Talk for UXINDIA 2018

Register to be a part of India’s Biggest UX Conference

Picture of Saritha Keshamoni

Saritha Keshamoni

Foodie, Hyderabadi, Music lover,Designer by Interest, s/w Engineer by Profession, Entrepreneur in Making, Cricket buff, Telanganite