How Startups Can Attract Media Attention.



How Startups Can Attract Media Attention.


Getting noticed by the media just the way you want to and gaining the desired level of visibility is always a challenge for an organisation however small or big it may be. While an established business may seek professional services to entice media to write positive news about them, a promoter of a newbie with limited resources is forced to manage every such aspect including public relations within a set boundary. Usually, small firms or startups are apprehensive as to what exactly could excite the media to write about them.

Irrespective of the size, it is important to understand the major aspects that might attract the attention of a journalist. From the very launch to achieving a milestone, from a new product announcement to raising a million dollar – a lot of elements of startups are potential factors that could create a buzz.

Let”s analyse few such opportunities that startups might benefit from:

  • Idea: A business is an idea that is executed. And every idea will be respected if it satisfies the market potential or showcases its problem-solving nature. Initiatives with such scope can change market dynamics and plant the seed of interest.

  • Entrepreneur: Be it a college dropout  or a serial entrepreneur or a business tycoon, as long as they are beneficial promoters of a business, they remain to be a subject of interest to the media. What matters is the roadmap and vision put forth, to ensure the progress of the startup in the right direction.

  • Development: Any major development associated with the business, such as striking a deal with a big customer, raising funds to expand the concern, achieving a breakthrough result, causing a significant change in the market dynamics, will have positive bearings on the business. All of these eventually add up grab much attention!

  • Others: Other related facts on, for example, the entrepreneur being a young student, statistics on the amount of raised funds, free trial offerings to customers, may help as well!

After structuring all the key points and making sure they are duly met with, a well documentation (information note/press release/pitch note) of the same is vital. Next, identifying available media opportunities, resources and the right representative from the system is the most critical step. This determines what can be used at our disposal at the right point. Once this is achieved, we are good to go! Share the documents with the concerned journalist, discuss “why” you think the elements identified are unique and can be of interest.

About the author:

Sreekar is a journalist turned public relations and marketing professional. He comes with 15 years of experience in journalism, corporate communications and public relations consulting. With his experience of supporting around 20 startups, he shares public relations strategies for startups. He can be reached on +91 9959544918

Picture of Sreekar Reddy

Sreekar Reddy

Sreekar is a journalist turned public relations and marketing professional. He comes with 15 years of experience in journalism, corporate communications and public relations consulting. With his experience of supporting around 20 startups, he shares public relations strategies for startups. He can be reached on +91 9959544918