Don’t delay any further. Register and become a part of TALTransformers, a social innovation challenge.
The last date to submit the following is 25 June 2023.
— Elevator Pitch Video
— TAL Social Innovation Canvas filled
— Business Plan Presentation

TALScouts Transformers 2023 is a virtual competition – a youth philanthropy and social entrepreneurship initiative for youth aged up to 25 years. TAL or Touch-A-Life Foundation is a nonprofit organization that focuses on impacting social enterprise using digital platforms. With free and virtual participation, the competition is open to everyone without any barriers. With easy and free sign-up, you will need to prepare a canvas including your target community, problem, solution, the impact it creates, and the SDGs supported. Moreover, your social enterprise canvas must include the USP of your solution, cost structure, revenue streams, as well as the potential risks that can arise.
To register and become a part of TALTransformers, you can click here and create an account. The last date to submit — Elevator Pitch Video — TAL Social Innovation Canvas filled — Business Plan Presentation is 25 June 2023.
The Virtual Live Presentation by Top Finalists to the Grand Jury is from 29-30th July 2023.
Engage, Educate, and Empower youth

The theme of this challenge aims to promote the 17 Sustainable Development Goals defined by the United Nations (UN) and build innovative solutions under this guise. To educate the youth and build social entrepreneurs, TALScouts is creating a social impact using digitalization.
Through the challenge, youth innovators can identify opportunities aligned with the SDGs, upskill using social innovation tools, submit their solutions through pitches, and learn from experienced mentors. Upon a rigorous process, participants will be finalized to present their solutions at TALScouts PitchFest to a panel of leading non-profit leaders, academic experts, and social impact venture capitalists.
For more details, you can visit Transformers 2023 | TALScouts