Revamp moto private limited was established and Co-founded together by Jayesh, Pushkaraj Saluke, and Pritesh Mahajan in Nasik. Jayesh was a founder of 2 startups which are based on EV sector and Agritech startup chain and has worked in Mahindra where he grasped the knowledge of the entire product development process. Pushkaraj is the technical backbone of Revamp who has done mechanical engineering while Pritesh who is from a business family has worked as an assistant chairman in the State Bank of India, together they have innovated Indias first modular utility platform “Revamp Mitra“, an EV vehicle that can be used for 10 various purposes that comes with 10 different parts which include folding table, delivering basket, coolkeep for dairy and meat along with 2 batteries!
The main Speciality of Mitra is that it can cover up to 140km per single charge and runs at a speed of 65 kmph. It has a capacity of 200kg that can be connected to the bike. Mitra can also be communicated through the mobile app.
Jayesh has stated that they have already received 50,000 orders with an order value of 250 crores. The value of a single bike is 55000 and they have a Target of 10000 units for which they have swiftly started work in their facility. They even stated that they are unique in this race as they have design, technology, and product patents!
The founders of Revamp moto electric startup have pitched their idea in Shark Tank for 1 crore at 1 percent equity and their main expectations from the Sharks are their contacts, connections, and experiences. There was a huge clash between Aman- Anupam and Ashneer Grover for the deal but however, after a lot of counteroffers, the trio has finally decided to bag the deal of 1 crore for 1.5 equity from Aman and Anupam respectively. Let’s wish them the best of luck in their journey of electrifying India!