– Beat the morning blues with a yummy breakfast


Threads – Beat the morning blues with a yummy breakfast


Do you have a grumpy morning every day because you wake up late and don’t have time to prepare or eat breakfast and end up being cranky the entire morning?

It is quite a common thing for lot of working professionals these days to leave for office without breakfast due to various reasons – some people don”t get the time while others don”t know how to cook . Often, skipping breakfast leads to a lot of health issues like ulcers, acidity and even contributes to obesity! Dieticians say that having a proper diet plan and a healthy breakfast is as important as a workout plan. Well, what if we introduce to you one website that understands the importance of the first meal of the day and delivers hot fresh breakfast at your doorstep – EVERY DAY?

Screen Shot 2015-07-16 at 1.34.57 am is the solution to all breakfast woes. They offer 3 different packages of breakfast for their audience. One can choose any one, or a combination of those 3 based on their preferences and choices. To book your breakfast meals every day, all you have to do is register yourself with them, tell them when you want your meals delivered- days, time and address, and once your details get updated in the server, you”ll start receiving your food.

They have three interesting options to choose from ; one offering the “best of best” and most popular Indian breakfasts like Vada Pav, Button Idly etc. Option 2 provides a wide variety of salads and fresh fruit to choose from which the team boasts is perfect for the diet conscious workaholic. Both these options have a fresh juice or a milkshake as part of the meal. Option 3 is a freshly bottled juices of 300ml each and for those who wish to stay supercharged through their day!

This startup not only offers sumptuous food at your doorstep, but also ensures that it is delivered hot and is reasonably priced. You can either subscribe for a week or for 2 weeks at a stretch. The one week subscription is priced at Rs.400 plus a delivery charge of Rs.10 per day while the 2 week subscription is priced at Rs.600 plus a the same delivery charge of Rs.10 per day. They are currently offering their services in Madhapur, Kondapur and Gachibowli area.

Whether you have to rush to office to ace that 10 AM client call or woo the investors to invest in your startup, you sure need boundless energy and good health. Having a proper breakfast not only keeps you active throughout the day but also boosts your immune system. If you are someone who tends to skip ‘thefirstmeal’ often, cut some slack and register with them today to have a good start to your day every day.
