Truepush, a product from Hyderabad is trending on product hunt from yesterday and people from worldwide are showing love for the product. But why?
It is probably the only push notification product that is free forever on both mobile and web for all features.
As seen on Product Hunt, it says :
TruePush is a free forever push notification tool, all features free forever for the web, Android and IOS. These are some of the features that can be seen when you are using Truepush for your daily push notification need. We build easy to use dashboards, sending a notification to RSS feeds automatically, segmentation, triggers, and APIs.
A while ago, ProductHunt sent a notification to all their users about the product. Let’s get together for them and help them get into top 2. They are only 25 votes away for it. You will find them on , see truepush and upvote them if you like the product. Let us put our Hyderabadi product on to the top.