Trumps role in #DeleteFacebook #DeleteUber and what next!?



Trumps role in #DeleteFacebook #DeleteUber and what next!?


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The power of the Technology companies lies in the trust of their customers than their business model. History and things repeat in cycles and the real winner is the one who prepares himself for the worst possible future.



Early in 2017, when Trump has announced an immigration ban on Muslim Nations and protesting against Trumps Anti-Muslim executive policies.In the same context, the NewYork Taxi Workers called on its members to avoid the John F Kennedy Airport for an hour and Uber took advantage of the situation by tweeting that their services are available at Airport with no surge but with some waiting time. That particular tweet had made it users believe that Uber is inclined towards trump more than public.

The next couple of days are rather devastating for this tech giant with complete drain down over social networks with #DeleteUber campaigns. This is the time where people actually started to like its rival Lyft. With a massive donation of $1 million by the Lyft founders to civil liberties union, Lyft got a real boost in Apple app store to #4 in just two days surpassing its rival victim Uber at #13.

That particular downtrend is a worthy lesson for any company who is not definite in taking the right side at the right time taking out business out of the scene. A year after Trump is again the focal point but this time, it is not about the executive orders he passed but it is about an issue that happened way back when he actually stood up for US polls. The Data firm, Cambridge Analytica which was hired for Trumps Campaign was claimed for using unauthorized data related to Facebook users to micro-target voters and persuade them to vote for a particular candidate.

Twitter is the starting point here as well for #DeleteFacebook Campaign. But here is an important thing to keep a note of. #DeleteFacebook campaign is started by a WhatsApp co-founder Brian Acton which was further boosted by Elon Musk but in the case of Uber, it is public’s opinion. Uber gave life to Lyft because nothing is going to change for the early adopters of Lyft except the brand name.For Facebook that is not the case. It is a monopoly for years in social networking space and was quite successful in acquiring every possible alternative that people could look for like Instagram and Whatsapp.

Twitter is more appealing to be a celebrity asset and Snapchat has got its own self-destructive model.Thus even if people wanted to support #DeleteFacebook campaign there is no other alternative to look for. Rewinding the times, it seems all those million dollars to acquire a photo app and chat app has paid off to Mark for his own competitive advantage. The lessons that learned the hard way the ones that make you strong. Mark has got all the money to come out of the lawsuits and with time everything will be back to normal just like the ones that happened before.

But we are in a data world. When we are getting something for free, we need to acknowledge that our data is their product. It’s just the same with Twitter or Snapchat or any other app for that matter. They are designed and funded to use their user data and make money with their business models. Facebook might be the first one to be out there on the news, but can anyone guarantee that it is the only one.. just give it a thought to accept the reality of the world driven by data and boosted by algorithms.

Picture of Sruthi Malla

Sruthi Malla

Editor in chief @ Startup Hyderabad.I am not the same person everyday!! In the quest of discovering new roles and new heights. Start Up enthusiast and love to roam and explore the best places of the world :-)