WE Hub”s flagship Incubation cohort 2018-19 graduates



WE Hub”s flagship Incubation cohort 2018-19 graduates


WE Hub, a government of Telangana initiative by the Department of IT E & C, organized the Graduation Ceremony of the Incubation Cohort of 2018-19. Honorable Chief Secretary, Mr. S.K Joshi IAS graced the occasion, and interacted with the startups. He said In India, we have an abundance of natural and human resources, and the path to unlocking it is entrepreneurship. And for that, I must applaud Jayesh and the IT E & C Department for introducing initiatives like this.

Mr. Jayesh Ranjan IAS, Principal Secretary to the Department of IT E & C addressing the startups said I congratulate the graduating cohort for their growth over the past year. From the support that the you have received; it is your responsibility to give it back and help more startups scale heights

The graduating startups have significantly scaled operations, and each startup has been provided the opportunity to extend their incubation period, based on assessment. Going forward, WE Hub will be accepting applications on a rolling basis – Ms. Deepthi Ravula, CEO of WE Hub said We realized that a cohort system constrains the number of startups that we can help scale. Considering we are delivering a customized program to startups, each enterprise has a different pace of growth, and we want to start accepting applicants on a rolling basis, to maximize our impact.

WE Hub Graduation First Cohort

WE Hub onboarded 26 start-ups on to their flagship cohort in September 2018. Over the year, the start-ups have gone through rigorous customized training with a goal-based program structure – 24 of these startups have moved at least 3 stages. 

WE Hub is a sector agnostic incubator and has tied up with other incubators to deliver a co-incubation model to provide startups with sector-specific technical expertise. WE hub has tied up with over 35 Organizations, of which 13 are international organizations, to provide holistic support, and expansive opportunities to the startups. 4 of these startups have received funding, and few are in the process of raising.

Ms. Vijaydurga an incubated startup at WE Hub said “When I came to WE HUB, I had a business model, and as an architect, I had the skill. But what I didn’t have was the ability to shape it into a profitable social enterprise. WE Hub helped me do this, and pave the way forward for Architude”

Ms. Mytrheyi from Startoon said WE Hub helped us in understanding business strategy, and connect to the right people and networks, to build our product

The rolling basis applications would be on the website shortly.

Picture of Saritha Keshamoni

Saritha Keshamoni

Foodie, Hyderabadi, Music lover,Designer by Interest, s/w Engineer by Profession, Entrepreneur in Making, Cricket buff, Telanganite

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