The “XX”s factor: Genetic Mapping in India!!



The “XX”s factor: Genetic Mapping in India!!


genA successful woman is that who builds a strong foundation with the bricks that are thrown at her.

Last Sunday marked the 106th International Women”s day. A long way has been explored from deprived to equality of women over the past century. When we talk of uplifting women in the business world, it means to say about providing equal opportunities, gender irrelevant. We are still quite a way left to go where women entrepreneurs are not put under the suspicious radar of short term commitment, a long way to go where the roles are not just primarily defined to caretakers. The past decade has witnessed quite the uprising, we have an impressive list of women entrepreneurs that have more than made their marks in the corporate world. And this article is about one such venture of an extraordinaire person- Anuradha Acharya, founder and CEO of Map My Genome.

anuA pioneer of its kind, genetic-testing startup Map My Genome has raised $1.1 million from a group of angel investors of the likes of Tech entrepreneurs and investors Aarti Grover, Meera Kaul and Sarah Dhar along with Google India managing director Rajan Anandan and other angel investors.

With a vision of Better health of India, its target is the proactive health concerned citizens. With connected healthcare spinning its web onto the world, healthcare sector has become a hot spring for venture seekers. Mapmygenome provides a range of prognostics, diagnostics and brain wellness solutions.

Offering products such as Genomepatri, Oncomap, Brainmap, Cardiomap, Gynaecmap, Myfitgene, SmartSport, SmartTB and several other diagnostic products, it helps in providing insight about one”s health conditions that helps pave a path towards a healthier life. Having tied up with 38 network of hospitals including Dr. Lal” and OnQuest, there is wide range of choices available for service. They have also started receiving online orders from Singapore and Malaysia.
With focus on not just prognostics, Mapmygenome provides counselling with its expert panel of doctors in all arenas. Making itself available in all platforms, it is also available as an app for blackberry user. With India”s economy changing and people getting more health conscious and more precautious by nature, this particular start-up is bound to see a bright future ahead.

The money raised from the fund is to be utilized for its operation, expansion of distribution and also to scale up the research in order to meet the changing demands.

Having seen a successful journey so far, this is yet another venture that goes to show the vast potential of women entrepreneurs.

Picture of Janani


Curious. Explorer. Excited always. Currently an intern at PurpleTalk Inc.