10 websites for free Stock Images for startups



10 websites for free Stock Images for startups


Stock Photos, something that has helped a lot of designers and editors over time to get photos taken by professional photographers at a very low cost and services like Shutterstock have been around since quite a while acting as a platform for the same. While being great for both the photographers (to expand to a new horizon) and the people who need some professional photos without worrying about models or the environment that they need the photos of not every startup or professional can sometime pay the costs.
Some might say, Hey! But there”s Google images right? I would just say well… isn”t that what got Ola Cabs almost into trouble when Praveen, a Yahoo Engineer who clicked a photo which was used on Ola”s App as the Home Screen without his permission. Although it got solved you might not be as lucky. But well that”s the reason I got a solution as well.

In today”s age looking at these things there are now many sites which provide Stock Images for free, some provide it completely free for commercial usage while some restrict it but one thing is common among all, none of the images can be resold which I think is quite obvious. I personally use a few them and would like to share them with everyone here!

1) Startup Stock Photos – http://startupstockphotos.com/

  • CC0 License. Can be used for commercial purposes.
  • This is one of my favorites, even used by some big tech companies. Free to use images which are great for multiple kinds of usage! For some example work you can even check out http://vizoomer.com/ where I have used their images in background.

2) Stock Snap – https://stocksnap.io/


  • CC0 License. Can be used for commercial purposes.
  • While StartupStockPhotos has limited no. this site keeps updating their photos from time to time.

3) Unsplash – https://unsplash.com/


  • CC0 License. Can be used for commercial purposes.
  • These guys have it differently and will email you 10 new photos every 10 days if you subscribe. Some great photos worth getting lost into sometimes as well!

4) Gratisography – http://www.gratisography.com/


  • CC0 License. Can be used for commercial purposes.
  • You want some crazy but awesome images? Well this site has got you covered for that.

5) SplitShire – http://www.splitshire.com/


  • License not mentioned. Can be used for commercial purposes. Read the “about” page.
  • Amazing photography by a single photographer named Daniel Nanescu, if you really like his work he even offers premium service for $20/year which is pretty good.

6) Foodies Feed – https://foodiesfeed.com/


  • License not mentioned. Can be used for commercial purposes. Read the “faq” page.
  • Well if you have a food startup then I think your stock image needs are all taken care off right.

7) Pixabay – https://pixabay.com/


  • CC0 License. Can be used for commercial purposes.
  • Pixabay is another great site which also provides Illustrations and Vector Graphics for your use too!

8) Pic Jumbo – https://picjumbo.com/


  • License not mentioned. Can be used for commercial purposes. Read the “FAQ and Terms” page.
  • Pic Jumbo unlike others has a great feature where you can sort of Test Drive the image to see how it would look in various usages for a background.

9) Jay Mantri – http://jaymantri.com/


  • CC0 License. Can be used for commercial purposes.
  • Jay Mantri while being someone who operates a tumblr blog, Instagram and a youtube channel about travel has some pretty amazing photos of multiple locations. Definitely something amazing to checkout.

10) Life of Pix – http://www.lifeofpix.com/


  • CC0 License. Can be used for commercial purposes.
  • Life of Pix is pretty amazing for two reasons, one is because it exists and 2 is it has videos as well in CC0!

Hopefully these images get a few creative juices flowing. Comment below if you have something more to add to this.

Here is another article about 73 Best Sites To Find Awesome Free Images

Picture of Vishal Dhanuka

Vishal Dhanuka

Vishal is a thinking machine who has worked on multiple streams of projects helping people with business development, digital marketing and understanding the technology. While working with servers and virtualization is one of his speciality he is also an avid gamer. To find out more about the author or to connect with him visit vizoomer.com