Create a Winning Pitch Deck



Create a Winning Pitch Deck


“A pitch deck is a presentation selling your company to potential investors. It explains what is the company, who is behind it, where it’s currently standing, and what is the deal being sought.” Answers Francisco on Quora.

When you are up there on the podium with all the lime light on you, you have to make sure that you are all set to blow away the investors with your pitch. It is imperative for a startup founder to narrate the story of their startup, and  make it very clear for the investors as to why they should select their startup for investment over the others present there.

How will you do this? By being prepared to create a winning pitch deck.  A pitch deck is important because that is the only way to impress the investors out there. You will not get a better opportunity than a pitch deck to speak to number of investors at a time.

But, what makes a pitch the winning pitch? What should be included in the pitch and what shouldn’t be? How long should it be and should one make the presentation alone or in a group ? Should the pitch delve extensively into details of the startup or should it just summarize the startup story? Do these questions haunt you while you are working on your startup pitch?

Understanding the difficulty most budding entrepreneurs face while preparing their pitches for investors, Co. Lab. Orate is organizing an event on how to create a winning pitch on the 13th  of February 2016 at Co.Lab. Orate”s office in Kavuri Hills. In the session, the hosts will try to explore the crucial elements of a good pitch deck,  the ideal length of a pitch, universality and so on. They will also allow the audiences to get a sneak peek into some pitch decks of successful start-ups. You will also witness a few videos on what is the right startup pitch deck.

About the organizers:

Co. Lab. Orate is a co-working space, which maintains the same global standards and values of community, openness, collaboration, accessibility, and sustainability. This firm aims at providing affordable space to independents, freelancers, travellers, indigenous startups and entrepreneurs thereby developing a self-driven community.

Event Details :

Date: 13th February 2016

Time: 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM

Venue:  Co.Lab.Orate Coworking, 56, Kavuri Hills – Phase I, Hyderabad ,Telangana .

Registration: You need to purchase an entry pass to be a part of this event. The last date to buy them is 11th February 2016. Hurry up!



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