The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain about themselves, and wiser people, so full of doubts.– Betrand Russel
On the 4th and the 5th of this October, The Smart Cities Devthon for Metropolis is bringing together people and bright minds who are not content with the mediocrity of some pressing issues. The hackathon, (with the theme of Smart Cities and IoT (Internet of Things)) is a platform that facilitates the collaboration of diverse groups of individuals to infuse momentum to ideas and call for action! The congregation of intellectuals consisting of engineers, developers, urban researchers, data scientists, citizens and the also the government, participate with the mission of creating and spreading the culture of innovation.
This is great podium for guidance by expert facilitators from various fields to assist you with your ideas and problem statements you”d be working on. This edition addresses aspects that relate to building cities for a better living. Attending this will be participants who share your passion while taking part in co-creation exercises.
Tracks range from Public transport to city services, waste management to internet of things and much more. The aim is to to develop the best solutions that are sustainable, accurate and more robust in their approach to issues. The platform will try to monitor every layer of cities and set out strategies that will help improving the quality of life of inhabitants.
Go ahead, pick your team/problem statement, apply to participate, meet other bright minds and win big!
Lets create liveable cities. Better cities.
For further information on the agenda, tracks and reasons why you should be a part of this, check: