The part of financing is the toughest task for any startup. As how startups have a limited funds, and that is why effective utilization of those funds become very important. What if we tell you, you no more need accountants to maintain your balances and make budgets. All you need to do is turn to the virtual world for financial management, and you have various apps and websites that are out there for your rescue. Here is a list of the top tools that are used across the globe by entrepreneurs to manage their finances –
Tool #1: BodeTree
This is a free tool available online. Once you register yourself onto this tool, you can get daily updates on available cash balances. Using the cash tracker option, you can have a look at your incomes, expenses and profit. However all this information depends on your input of data, so make sure that the data that you input initially is all true. Use this tool to set financial goals, and compare yourself with other firms in your industry.
Tool #2: Bench
Looking for bookkeeping tools? Then this is one of the best websites that will help you with basic book keeping for your startup. It is a safe website, which provide safe banking synchronization and paperless personal and professional book also provides tax support for your firm.
Tool #3: Abukai
If you are just attracted with the name of this website, then log on to it to find its features even more attractive. The best feature of this tool is that it helps to create daily status reports of your finances. The process of creating these reports is also very easy – all you have to do is upload photos of your invoices and then the tool will compile all of them and come up with your report for the day.
Tool #4: Shoeboxed
Tired of maintaining too many papers and receipts? Turn to shoeboxed, which will solve all your problems and turn all your disorganized papers into organized paperless finances. You can simply scan all your invoices and receipts and upload them onto this website. Add business cards in this card, and turn all your business online. If your clients are sending your receipts online, you can directly sync your email to it.
These are just a few tools that Startup Hyderabad brings to you, but you might have other tools also that are quite useful. If you are using any such cool tools, don”t forget to share them with us and our audiences in the comments below.
Do you know of any other interesting tools like these? Please do share them with us.
Have you read our recent article on “Managing Startup Finances in the Early Days” ? If you missed it, click here to read some quick tips for startups to manage finances in their early stage.