Tag: carpooling in hyderabad

“Car Free Thursdays”-Smoother Travel, Cleaner Environment

Every inch of progress you make is vital-to best understand this principle, just get stuck in a traffic jam! For most of us commuting in our vehicles, it”s the same story. We start from home with more than enough time in hand to reach office, inevitably get stuck in traffic

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Enriching Travel – The CoYatri Way!

How many times have you cancelled travel plans because you could not find a seat to? Or even worse an affordable seat? Especially during holiday season for festivals when going to home city costs a bomb. Perhaps a similar situation motivated Pradeep Enugala, CEO and Co-Founder to start CoYatri- a

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NASSCOM Funds Two Hyderabad Based Startups

May 2014 was a good month for two startups. NASSCOM, in its plan to help entrepreneurs turn their ideas into successful products and businesses, has helped Violet Street and Zify raise a funding of Rs.10 Lakhs each. The startups raised funds as part of NASSCOM”s on-the-spot funding event for prototype

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