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Most of us dedicate a major chunk of our time to our nine to five desk jobs. But, what is our identity? What is it that we really want to do? Some of us like to cook, some like to sing, while others just enjoy reading or writing. There are multiple layers to our personality. We showcase our alter-ego on social media platforms like Instagram. This is what we call as You 2.0.

You 2.0 is a different, complex, and much deeper version of you. Hyderabad Instagrammers Meetup 2.0 or HydInstaMeet 2.0 for shorts invites you to a meeting which is all about You 2.0.

Pictures speak louder than words – the golden words. Instagram is one social media platform through which you can share your memories, the days when you look good, your favorite food, your thoughts, art, music and so much more! If you are a passionate Instagrammer or aspire to be one, then HydInstaMeet 2.0 awaits you.

About HydInstaMeet

An event where the most popular Instagrammers come together on a common platform and share their successful Instagram journey with the audience. A fun filled, entertaining, insightful meet which offers immense learning about how to use Instagram to your advantage and a significant take away for you to go back home and start working on your own Instagram profile.

Why HydInstaMeet?

HydInstaMeet is an opportunity to meet, network, connect, inspire and get inspired. Who knows you might be the next most popular Instagrammer?


We have a diverse set of speakers who master in different fields like Fashion, art, food, lifestyle, and travel, they all have earned huge popularity on Instagram for their respective Genre. They range from a Tollywood Celebrity Designer to a Zumba Global Ambassador and from an Internationally Acclaimed Photographer to a Next Generation Instagrammer. We would be announcing them in the coming weeks.

Food Instagramming Workshop

One thing that connects all the people in Hyderabad is the love for food. But what”s a meet up without a hands-on workshop? Along with the amazing line of speakers and chefs, we have a “Food Blogging Workshop”, lead by Vishal Fernandes from the fame, where he will take you through the journey of setting up a background, clicking angles and more, while a chef prepares food on the spot, that you can click, share and learn! The best photograph also walks away with a prize!

About Insta Meet 1.0

The first HydInstaMeet had the Instagrammers from different walks of life, around 95 in total. The theme of the event was My Story where the speakers shared their Instagram journey and how it makes them unique. Ravi Mittal (CEO of QuackQuack), Kiran Dembla (Celebrity Fitness Trainer), Shagun Segan (Travel Instagrammer from @EatTripClick), Karthik Abhiram (from Daily Movie Sketch) and Shubham Swain (Curator for Hello Hyderabad) were among the speakers. We had the audience varying from an eight-year-old kid to a 60+ year gentleman. There was an exciting mini event hosted by Mirchi RJ Shezzi where she shared her social media insights and anecdotes. The entire event was captured on the canvas by the doodle artist Rohit Soni. To summarize, the event was successful in meeting our objective of inspiring people to be more social, to showcase their talent through their Instagram profiles and bring out their own individuality through it.

hyderabad insta meet

Elevator Pitch

We conducted an elevator pitch during our first HydInstaMeet in which 22 Instagrammers participated and spoke for a minute about their Instagram profiles. The winner of the elevator pitch, Kruti Geli spoke about how her Ice-cream sandwich truck and that got her more followers on Instagram. The elevator pitch section spiced up the event with more entertainment bringing interesting Instagram success stories to the floor. The HydInstameet 2.0 is all about you. You get the chance to come out and express your thoughts how your individual Instagram profile helped you evolve. If you want to participate at HydInstaMeet 2.0, then register yourself at 

But if you don”t want to participate in the contest and would like to witness some amazing speeches and learn the rules of Instagram from the absolute best, then hurry up and register yourself at The early bird registration includes some cool Instagram goodies that you wouldn”t want to miss!

  • Register yourself for the Instameet2.0 via our official Instameet website:
  • Like our Facebook page: and Instagram: @HydInstaMeet to know more about the event and stay updated with all the latest information about it.
  • Register for the elevator pitch.
  • Last but not the least, spread the word.

Date: 21-January-2018
Time: 14:00 Hours to 18:00 Hours
Venue: TBA

Picture of Amita Sood

Amita Sood

A consultant by profession, a writer at heart and a Toastmaster by passion. I recently discovered I enjoy cos-playing and modeling too. I always look for opportunities to meet new people and connect with them. I call myself a dreamer, and I believe that you can achieve anything you dream, given that you put enough hard work into it. I grew up in the city beautiful - Chandigarh, and my philosophy in life is to look at the beauty in everything. In my free time, I love to write, travel, and find opportunities to explore more of myself.