Unravelling the smart startup’s at The August Fest..



Unravelling the smart startup’s at The August Fest..


Are you ready to kickstart? Get ready for August Fest.


The encouragement and partnership of the ruling government that abides by rules and regulations with the budding startup’s which are driven by concepts of the future, yields a symbiotic relationship that progresses successfully with time and effort. The prestigious TRS government in Telangana state is nurturing this growth of startup culture by lending them a helping hand through the pioneer “AugustFest“.

This noble initiative not only is calling out enthusiast startup’s across art and entrepreneurship to present their sales pitch, videos and short-films but also involving in angel investors and mentors help groom and develop these smart startup’s to be the Fortune 500 companies of the future. The collaborative effort yields mutual benefits to the trio of the government, the investors and the startup’s.


 The future market trends forecast an over-rule of startup’s across all principal businesses. Technology being a significant element into the blend of various facets of modern life and it’s intricacies. Hyderabad has been synonymous with welcoming the technology sector into the Indian market, hence aptly nicknamed Cyberabad. The likes of the biggie’s Microsoft, Google, Facebook and others have all set up a strong flourishing foothold in the second most techie city of India. With the biggie’s in Hyderabad’s kitty, the new government of the newly formed Telangana state is taking up a noble initiative of encouraging and boosting the current dat smart startup’s. Our esteemed IT minister Mr. K T Rao has chalked out various development plans supporting and help bloom startup’s hence creating a new techie matching the city to its worldwide contemporaries.


AugustFest is celebrating art and entrepreneurship across 5 tracks bringing together 25 sessions and 35 speakers. The AugustFest event held on 30 & 31st August at ISB is expecting 1500+ participants across all age groups either being an artist or an entrepreneur representing a startup or participants enthusiastically involved in the initiative. The honourable initiative of AugustFest would be an answer to a million prayers and a window to a million dreams. The culmination if genuine futuristic concepts or art and technology across all streams of life with the need mentorship or investing and the ruling government support will only make up to be perfect ingredients to a more perfect world class new capital of Telangana state – Hyderabad that will out do its contemporaries and make a niche for itself it in the startup culture!!!

It is an awesome opportunity for Budding Entrepreneurs, Artists and creative pros to make network, meet great minds and showcase what they’ve got and get a quick start.

I have marked my calendar. See you there!

Stay tuned for more updates on August Fest!!!